Seizure Action Plans - Are you prepared for a seizure emergency?
Seizure Success® and You!

Seizure Action Plans - Are you prepared for a seizure emergency?

Use the Seizure Tracker Dynamic Seizure Action Plan (DSAP) to enhance your seizure care by effectively communicating your needs with others, including your physician care team, family members, co-workers and school staff.

Seizure action plans can play an important role in sharing daily and emergency treatment priorities with different members of your care team. The Seizure Tracker DSAP creation tool is now available as a resource for users.

What is a Seizure Tracker Dynamic Seizure Action Plan?

A Seizure Tracker DSAP is a versatile way to ensure you can effectively manage your seizures whenever and wherever they happen.

Your DSAP:
  • Is easily created, accessible and stored
  • Can guide discussions with doctor about how to treat your seizures
  • Can help you easily fill out forms online
  • Lists medical details to share with EMS, if needed
  • Can include any rescue medication prescribed along with when they are needed
  • Can printed or emailed, making it handy whenever you need it

DSAPThe Seizure Tracker DSAP information sections include:

  • Profile information (gender, date of birth and weight)
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Daily medication (anti-seizure and others)
  • VNS implant/magnet info
  • Rescue medication
  • Seizure types and suggested actions
  • Careprovider's contact infomation
  • and much more...
Your DSAP can be easily created and stored dynamically within your Seizure Tracker account. You can review it with your doctor and edit any time. The DSAPs created on can be printed or shared electronically. Log into your account and look for the DSAP link on the "Control Panel" page.
Why create a Seizure Tracker DSAP?

It allows others to help!
Having a well-developed seizure action plan can help others understand what you need if a seizure happens.

Not all seizures are the same.
Different seizures require different responses in different environments. Seizure action plans help define the differences between seizures and how to best treat them individually.

Your doctor is not always available.
Having a good seizure action plan is almost like having your doctor by your side.

Lower the anxiety of knowing what to do if a seizure happens.
A clear plan minimizes the anxiety of what to do in the event of a seizure.
Get the Seizure Tracker Mobile App!

Get the Seizure Tracker Android or Apple App!
You can download the mobile app from iTunes or Google Play.
Who Should Use a Seizure Action Plan?
If you have epilepsy, you can benefit from a seizure action plan! Seizure action plans can be shared with those you interact with on a regular basis to help them be more prepared in the event of a seizure. This will allow you, and those around you, to feel confident, rather than caught off guard. Share your DSAP with your physician and nurse care team, boss, co-workers, friends, family and/or school staff and nurses.

Seizure action plans can be particularly helpful for those who are going back to school, starting a new job, visiting relatives, changing doctors or switching medications.

How to Access and Leverage the New Seizure Tracker DSAP Tool
  1. Visit
  2. Log into your account or create a new account.
  3. Look for the DSAP link on the Control Panel page.
  4. Visit the tool and talk to your doctor about how to best complete the different sections.
  5. Empower yourself by having your DSAP, mobile app and rescue medication handy at all times.

Other helpful links:
Seizure Action Plan Coalition

Epilepsy Alliance of America - Rescue Medication Video Demos

Seizure Tracker Features

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